Today: May 18, 2024
April 8, 2024
1 min read

Ruby, the Doberman Pinscher Mama Who ‘Adopted’ an Abandoned Newborn Kitten and Sweetly Dotes on Her

Ruby, the Doberman Pinscher Mama Who 'Adopted' an Abandoned Newborn Kitten and Sweetly Dotes on Her

In a heartwarming display of maternal instinct transcending species boundaries, Ruby, a Doberman Pinscher mama, embraced an abandoned newborn kitten into her family, caring for her as one of her own. This touching tale unfolds on a farm in rural Geneseo, N.Y., where Brittany Callan, Ruby’s guardian and a breeder of Dobermans, witnessed the remarkable bond between the two unlikely companions.

Ruby had recently birthed a litter of six puppies, her maternal duties just beginning as her offspring began to explore the world. Yet, fate had another surprise in store for her family. In late August, Callan stumbled upon a faint meowing sound emanating from behind a garage while assisting with chores. Investigating further, she discovered a tiny, defenseless kitten, abandoned and alone. Concerned for the vulnerable creature’s safety, Callan and her cousin, Nicole Gibbs, decided to intervene.

Ruby, the Doberman Pinscher Mama Who 'Adopted' an Abandoned Newborn Kitten and Sweetly Dotes on Her

Dubbed “Ramblin’ Rose” after a cherished song close to Gibbs’ heart, the kitten was mere days old, still tethered to life by a remnant of her umbilical cord. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Callan introduced Ramblin’ Rose to Ruby, who was in the midst of nursing her own litter. Miraculously, Ruby welcomed the kitten with open paws, embracing her as part of her brood.

Their bond flourished swiftly, defying conventional expectations. Ruby tenderly nursed Ramblin’ Rose alongside her puppies, demonstrating a depth of compassion that transcended mere instinct. Callan recounts how Ruby’s affection for her adopted feline extended beyond nursing, with the doting mother carrying Ramblin’ Rose around the house in her mouth, ensuring her safety and comfort.

Despite their differences in size and energy levels, Ramblin’ Rose integrated seamlessly into the canine family unit, forging close bonds with both Ruby and her puppy siblings. Callan describes heartwarming scenes of the mixed-species family snuggled together at night, united by a love that knows no bounds.

Ruby’s extraordinary display of empathy and acceptance reflects not only her nurturing nature but also the capacity for interspecies harmony. From her early days as a playful pup sharing car rides with rabbits to her current role as a devoted mother to both canine and feline offspring, Ruby exemplifies the innate goodness and kindness that animals possess.

As Ruby and Ramblin’ Rose continue to navigate their unconventional yet deeply touching relationship, their story serves as a poignant reminder of the power of love to transcend barriers and unite souls, regardless of species. In a world often marked by division and discord, their bond stands as a beacon of hope, illuminating the transformative potential of compassion and acceptance.


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